Jan 8, 2009

Doctor Who?

If you've stumbled across this blog, you'll see that I post mostly about my favorite sports teams: the Saints, Hornets, Braves and LSU. But you'll also see that I'm a huge Lost fan, so during the season I post recaps of episodes. The blog has also expanded to my other interests, including Doctor Who.

Now many of you probably aren't familiar with the 900+ year old timelord. Doctor Who is a British show, which plays on the Sci Fi channel here in the U.S. I've only been watching for a few years thanks to my best friend Josh, who is a lifelong fan of the show. If you're a sci fi fan, it's a fun series to watch.

Since Matt Smith has been named as the 11th Doctor, Doctor Who has been in the news worldwide recently. If you'd like to get to know a little more about the 1o other actors to play the role, check out Wired's article on the show.

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