Mar 4, 2010

Lost Blogging Collective

I've been invited to participate in a weekly Lost blogger Q&A over at Stream of Consciousness. There are are total of 15 bloggers answers two Lost related questions each week and yours truly is in on the action. Check out the answers to this week's questions: What is Jack's mission? and In the alt timeline, do you think Ben, Ethan and Dogen are just regular people, or are some undercover Others?


  1. Let me know when you start making bank off this...then I might become more interested.

  2. Let me know when you start making bank off of this...then I might become more interested.

  3. Hey :)

    Cheers for the mention! This Q&A thing is pretty fun.

    Also - we're now at 16 members, and growing :D pretty exciting week.

    Thanks again for taking part.

    - Chris
